Free editorial reviews
……..with no strings
I’ll write a completely free, professional editorial review for your novel.
I’m an author of historical spy fiction. I love writing, I love reading – and I love writing book reviews too.
If you’re an author of a genre I read (see my list below), then I would love to review your book at no cost. I’ll read your book from cover to cover then write a professional, honest, balanced, and substantial review - with a minimum of around 400 words – a great length to really get to the heart of your writing and your novel. The review will then be yours to do whatever you like with – add it to your Amazon page, Facebook and other social media, your website, Goodreads, use it in marketing drives, anything you like. And I’ll post it to my blog too. And that’s it, there are really no strings attached.
What do I get out of it? Besides enjoying reading and reviewing, I want to build interest in my blog and increase traffic to my author website, and offering to write reviews helps me do this. You get a completely free review and I get more interest in my website. And that’s all, I’ll never ask you for anything like a subscription or anything else, you have my word.
As I said, I’ll write a balanced review - not sugar-coated but an authentic, honest review. I’ll praise what’s good but I won’t shy away from mentioning something which doesn’t work so well for me. And you can just use the bits you want to quote if you don’t want the whole thing. It’s yours to use as you see fit. Any criticism I have will be strictly constructive, I would never be mean or get nasty! And if I feel the book has some serious structural issues then I’ll leave these out of my review but communicate them to you separately and privately, along with any typos.
To get an idea of the reviews I write, check out these, posted on my blog. If you like my style and would like to have your book reviewed for free too, get in touch with me via my contacts page. Genres I read are spy fiction; historical fiction; science fiction; mystery, and cozy murder-mystery. But if your book sits outside of these genres, I’ll still consider it for review, just give me a shout.
In case you’re wondering how much an editorial review might be worth, Independent Book Review currently charges $135 for a 400-word standard review. They’ll write a nice review for you, I had them write one for my own book, Cold Star, but $135...……
I hope to hear from you soon, and happy writing!